Following a devastating illness, Reb Akiva Wagner returned his soul to its Creator. He passed away the day after his 55th birthday. Rabbi Wagner was a devoted mechanech who led the Yeshiva he founded with love and care for decades.
To his students, he was a tireless and consistent role model.
To his family, he was their entire world!
Now, his wife and children are forced to carry on, and begin to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. With 9 unmarried children (the youngest being 7 years old), Rabbi Wagner leaves an incredible void, which we must all try to fill. Its upon all of us to ensure that they are, at the very least, provided with the financial support to carry them through this unthinkable time, and beyond. Please donate generously, and may the Almighty bless you and yours with only the very best in this incredible merit.
Funds will be overseen by:
Rabbi Dov Wagner Rabbi Meir Wagner Rabbi Dovid Labkowski Rabbi Baruch Shalom Greenberg Rabbi Shimon Gruzman
This campaign is endorsed by the following Rabbanim:
Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky Rabbi Avrohom Mann Rabbi Dovid Schochet Rabbi Ezra Schochet
All proceeds will go directly to the family.