Rabbi Chaim Meir Lieberman obm, the head of a family that is so beautiful and so kind hearted. A family that became my home away from home when I moved to New York.
Rabbi Chaim Meir Lieberman epitomized what a true tzaddik and chosid is. There was nothing he and his family, especially his wife Sara, wouldn't do to help someone, anyone.
We always bought our lulav and esrog from R. Chaim Meir, obm. He even shipped one to me when I was in CA. While single I spent countless shabbosim at their house, nearly every yomim tovim. I had my l'chaim, my shabbos kallah, a sheva brochos and both of my son's brisim at their house. Their house was always open to guests.... With R. Chaim Meir in his office downstairs to greet you.
You knew and could see how much he loved his entire family. He treated each and every guest with so much respect and courtesy.
Such a devastating loss for a beautiful family and the entire crown heights community.
Baruch dayan haemes.
As we say in judaism: May the Almighty comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.