Tzion Goldstein was a rare and valuable soul who had a tremendous effect on many of us whom he came in contact with. I guess that is why he was also urgently needed in Shomayim. Tzion's emunah in the Aibishter was complete. But more amazing than that he lived by his emunah, demonstrating it constantly. When he was sick he went to doctors because the Torah obliged him to, but he had no need for them. He had perfect faith that Hashem would take care of him, and, whether he understood it or not, he believed that everything would be for the best. Many of us learn this principle, many of us talk about this principle, but Tzion lived it, day after day, and he was a model for all of us.
All of us know people who make us feel happy every time we see them, and I mean just visually laying eyes on them, even from a distance. Tzion was one of those people for me. He had a pure energy which enlivened me just by being in his presence. Towards the end it was sometimes difficult to see him because he was clearly in pain, but he was still always the energetic and inspiring friend, and it is no surprise that we miss him so much. And even now I can think of him and re-experience the feelings he inspired in me, and I can still smile.