
Stories & Memories of Tzion Goldstein

By: Rakel Kirchenbaum August 6

A Lucky Fellow Neighbor to the 888 Montgomery Shtetel;)

We miss Tzion ❤️ We have been neighbors with the Goldsteins for quite a few years now. Tzion a”h was the sweetest neshama anyone has ever met. He was always happy and in a good disposition, no matter what his health status was. And I DO know that many times he was not really doing well at all, yet he was always with a smile.

I remember one Simchas Torah I was putting him into the Hatzolah ambulance myself, in the middle of hakafot, and I was so upset and worried. But Tzion? No way! He told me "Rahel, don't worry, all will be good IY”H, all will be sorted out at the hospital, I will be back very soon," with a smile on his face while he was in excruciating pain.

I also have another special memory of a "little" encounter with Tzion. One day, when I came back from my errands with a bunch of packages, I saw Tzion with a heavy bag and his tubes attached to him. He was visibly exhausted, trying to find a parking spot on the block. But in his true "Tzion way" he never shied away from doing a mitzvah even in his weakest physical state. Sure enough, he offered to pick up all of my packages and bring them up the steps to my house! I literally had to argue with him so that he would NOT do it. One year around Tishrei time, after he had already been diagnosed and was weak, he insisted on climbing up a tall, heavy ladder outside of his building to do the mitzvah of Shiluach Hakein! My children, their spouses and my aynicklach were literally terrified for him, but no, nothing ever stopped Tzion a”h from doing a mitzvah to its fullest, no matter how ill he was or felt. I could go on and on, but these memories are inscribed forever, and I cannot just dismiss them or forget them. That wouldn't do any justice to Tzion a”h.

Some good lessons to learn from Tzion a”h IS to NEVER complain, no matter how bleak a situation may seem, to always be sameach bechelko. Also, always grab the opportunity to do a mitzvah, no matter what the circumstances may be. Be makpid in building the Sukkah. Tzion a”h NEVER missed one year without having his Sukkah ready on time and even before everyone else, no matter how ill he was!

We miss Tzion a”h tremendously. His smile, upbeat demeanor, kindness and above ALL he was the best husband and best tatty to his beautiful children ka”h. His neshama should have an aliya and beg Hashem to send Klal Yisrael Mashiach NOW!!! From Rahel Kirschenbaum

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