פרקי אבות פרק ג: רבי חנינא בן דוסא אומר, כל שרוח הבריות נוחה הימנו רוח המקום נוחה הימנו “ Anyone whom people are pleased with Hashem is pleased with him. It follows then that the more that people are pleased with him the more Hashem is pleased with him. And if people are pleased with him more than any other person, Hashem, too, is pleased with him more than anyone else. This mishna accurately describes the very great Tzion Goldstein ztz”l.
Tzion was beloved to everyone. Everybody was won over by his charm, by his grace, by his תורה’דיקע חן . His chochma and eidelkeit endeared him to all. He radiated kindness, ישרות and עהרליכקייט to such an extent that it made a permanent impression on anyone who knew or met him. Is there someone that possesses all of these midos tovos like Tzion did?
Where can we find somebody that has the sterling reputation that Tzion had? Since רוח הבריאות נוחה הימנו more than any other person, so too רוח המקום נוחה הימנו more than anyone else. A רמז to this can be found in תהילים פ״ג: אוהב ה׳ שערי ציון מכל משכנות יעקב. Hashem loves the gates of Tzion more than all of the other places of Yidden. Tzion, Why does Hashem love you more than everyone else? The posuk continues, נכבדות מדבר בך, the most honorable things are said of you. Since you are most beloved and cherished by all, so too are you most beloved and cherished by Hashem!
R’ Tzion ztz”l should be a מילץ יושר for his family, his friends, and for all משכנות יעקב. May we be zoche to the גאולה שלימה במהרה בימינו, when we will once again all be together בביאת משיח צדקנו !אמן