
Stories & Memories of Tzion Goldstein

By: YTornek August 7

Loving Tatty

I remember arriving at the corner of Kingston & President street. It was summer, years ago… Busses and minivans lined the corner waiting for campers and staff to board heading for camp. It was exciting & chaotic. There were dozens of campers saying their farewells. One sight caught my eye. It touched me so deeply and don’t think I will ever forget. There were two beautiful girls who looked like sisters. Little did I know then they were soon to be amazing friends of my daughter BH. I even remember the color of the older girls’ outfit. Their father was escorting them. He was standing at the door of the minivan as they boarded. He was watching his precious daughters ever so patiently. He was ensuring they were safe and comfortable. They had last minute stuff to tell him & he was very present. They got up a few times to gather last opportunities to share moments with their Tatty before the van pulled away. He would be there as long as he could. It was so obvious how close he was to his girls. Just seeing the look of adoration & pride on his face touched me. It was finally time for the busses to leave, I heard both girls shout “bye Tatty” with great enthusiasm but also some feeling regretful to leave him..

He stood there waving goodbye with great affection & enthusiasm for them. It seemed so obvious he was longingly holding them close to his heart as the van pulled away. These sweet goodbyes are etched in my memory bank. I pondered for very long -why it had impacted me so much. It is because this Tatty, sparks of godliness were emanating from him. Showering his kinderlach with boundless love & admiration. I was so fortunate to be there and witness these beautiful eternal moments.

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