
Stories & Memories of Tzion Goldstein

By: Rabbi Mendel Yusevitz August 3

Principal of Ohr Menachem

Dear Goldstein family and Mendel sheyichyu, At the mere mention of the name R’ Tzion Goldstein what comes to mind is a Tzaddik, a man who was מדוכא ביסורים, completely refined by his pains and suffering!

We could never reach the level of a giant who battled a life-threatening illness for over a decade! But knowing Reb Tzion closely and having had the zechus to spend much time with him in that tekufah, I can confidently say that his own yisurim and the refinement it brought were nothing in his eyes.

There is something much deeper he had on his mind which he stayed focused on accomplishing and he DID accomplish! When I think back over the decade and try to see past the void of Tzion not being with his family, his kehilla at Raines shul and his native Argentinian Chassidim in CH; I cannot help but realize his real powerful impact. And when thinking more I realize that the impact runs deeper and deeper.

In the most trying of times we all marveled at Tzion’s unwavering bitachon (to get up and say, “we are leaving this doctor if he is not ready to believe there will be positive results!”). I am sure others mentioned the doctors awe of his emuna, how they all fulfilled his בקשה to lay tefillin prior to any medical procedure.

His shining example of Emunah and Bitachon brought all who were in contact with him closer to Hashem. We all remember the shiurim he organized for his Argentinian chaveirim. He dedicated his time to those who needed chizuk while he himself was undergoing tremendous anguish!

I want to share something personal,that will give a window into a very special man. At some point he told me that he was going through a difficult time. He arranged a shiur and felt that his head was heavy which was making it impossible for him to focus. He was thinking thoughts of ‘what if’. I felt so small near him! Here I am with a full-on warrior before me. I told him, “Reb Tzion, let's drive together to the Ohel and ask the Rebbe”.

It was a Friday; I remember it like today. I came to pick him up on Montgomery Street. He inspired me with words of Chizuk the whole way.. We spoke and wrote to the Rebbe together like two chassidim should be: Open. Then, when we came out of the Ohel and reached the tent we just danced together, “Didan notzach”!

I want to tell you the meaning of the dance and of his rejoicing. He saw all his days with you, his family, as a gift. He said, "I asked mechila from Hashem for the times my head is too heavy to focus". Tzion said, “I try the best I can so that my family should have such special memories with me. They should know I am always with them.”

I want to tell you, his family, that your father and husband, in these ten years went on mesiras nefesh to be with you. You are very lucky to have a mother that helped him through this mesiras nefesh and stood at his side. This was not a decade of battling illness. It was a decade of triumph; years upon years of Reb Tzion’s neshoma shining on all of us and specifically you, his mishpacha.

His maasim tovim continue to shine and light up the way for all of us, guiding and moving us in the direction of the Rebbe’s light, the light of Moshiach! May it be NOW!

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