i heard him once tell the Following In the veiber shul, on yomim noiroim, the women wanted to be able to understand the davening. So they would look for someone to translate for them. But how can a man stand in the middle of the women? So the would arrange a big barrel, in the middle of the ezras noshim, and this person would stand in the barrel and translate from there. But what kind of a person would agree to spend the whole yomim noiroim in the ezras noshim, even in a barrel? Was usually someone who, himself, was coarse, pust, not the most educated person. So, often the translation sounded as follows: ונתנה תוקף קדושת היום - די טאג, כי הוא נורא ואיום - מורא'דיג ובו תנשא מלכותיך - דיין מלכות ויכון בחסד כסאיך - דיין כסא ותשב עליו באמת - מיט אן אמת. Rabbi Leibel Ceitlin added that he said that when he was learning by Reb yisroel nevler, he asked a bochur to teitch a tosefos, and he translated only every few words, and he told them this story.