
Stories & Memories of Reb Menachem Mendel Hacohen Aronow

By: ss toronto June 28

farbrengen simchas torah

for those who remember the small gatherings by simchas torah where we made kiddush and farbrenged well before maariv. reb mendel told me that when he was a young man in crown heights the sedar was that those who could go went out on telukah. If you ever saw the Rebbe standing outside of 770 he was very serious so if you could go you went. For the alter chassidim they would make a kiddush by the Rebbitzin Chana and later go daven marriv and then go to a farbrengen by the Rebbe. this is when niggunim where taught. afterwards 770 was set up for hakkafos etc. Reb mendel was invited to the farbrengen by the Rebbitzin and some of the alter chassidim asked why a young man was there instead of going out on telukah. [Reb mendel left russia with the Rebbitzin (mesiras nefesh) . so he had a special connection to her.] she said 'zyain shtill er is minne mendel.'. its been a long time please correct me if I got it wrong. reb mendel kept up this minhag of his even though many had there noses up in the air. however he had a source.

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