
Stories & Memories of Reb Menachem Mendel Hacohen Aronow

By: Leibel Wiener July 12

Making the Decision

It was a tremendous zechus to know Rabbi and Mrs. Aronow. They were like parents to me. I was privileged to see first hand the daily life of a Chossid of the Rebbe. Rabbi and Mrs. Aronow were always hospitable and would invite me as their shabbos and yom tov guest. Truthfully I didn't feel like a guest. Rabbi and Mrs. Aronow made me feel like part of the family with much Ahavas Yisroel.
One story I would like to relate: I remember when I was dating a certain girl. I spoke with Rabbi Aronow about her. ( by the way he always made time for me to discuss and speak about things , listening intently to me ). So I said Rabbi Aronow I'm not sure about her. He said " you're not a spring chicken". I then understood that I should proceed and propose. B'H our wedding took place on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 5742. Due to that conversation 39 years ago my Wife and I are married with children and grandchildren.

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