Reb yisroel nevler once sent a yungerman, one of his mushpoim, to be a magid shiur in chassidus for a group of balebatim who were looking for someone to teach them. Once he visited that city, and he wanted to see how the shiur is going. When he came to where it was supposed to take place, he saw all of the balebatim sitting, but the magid shiur wasn't there. Upon inquiring, he learned that the magid shiur was often late. A few minutes later, the magid shiur showed up and reprimanded him sharply, saying "אידען זיצען און ווילען וויסען וואו איזה ג-ט, און דו לאזט זיי ווארטען?!" Reb Mendel would repeat this whenever he felt someone was not showing up on time to a farbrengen or shiur.