I was once sitting after davening by the table of Farbrengen and was hungry. I waited for the plate of cake to be brought out and quickly stretched out my hand to take from the few pieces there. Suddenly, I felt a slap on my wrist and a big voice screaming out "Karasik- Feh!" I suddenly realized that Rabbi Aronov had slapped me and was screaming at me. I did not know what he was saying and what he wanted from me. He saw that I was completely "lost" and explained: Your elter-Zaide was Harav Hachaasid Laibel Karasik A"H (a very Chashuve chassid and Rav) and it is not fitting for his einikel to be so involved in Gashmius that he is the first one to stick out his hand to take a piece of cake.
These lessons and stories, and many more, have stayed with me since. He was a true example of a chassid and Mekushar to the Rebbe. May his family only know Nechama and Yehei Zichro Baruch.