There was a bochur in yeshiva, many years ago, a very good bochur with a very good head, but he had many questions. The questions were in hashkofo issues, not questions that a "regular" bochur has, and he was very bothered by them, they disturbed him a lot. I tried to resolve them for him, but he was extremely agitated, and could not be calm. I had received an answer from the Rebbe to consult (or discuss) with the eltere chassidim, so every big issue I would discuss with Rabbi Aronow a"h, and I went to did uss with him how to deal with this bochur. He listened to my description of the situation, and then he told me the following story: "Reb Shaul ber Zisslin was a chassidishe tov and mashpia (Rabbi Aronow was a big mekabel from him). Once a bochur came to him with questions in hashkofo that didn't seem fitting for the bochur. Reb Shoiel Ber listened to his questions, and instructed him 'Gei in mikvah'. The bochur went to the mikva, and when he returned, he told him that he no longer had any questions!" When he finished relating the story, he told me - based on the story - to check out the yichus of this bochur, because there must be something not kosher about his yichus!
I felt that his conclusion was bizzare. If he wanted to apply the story to the current situation, then he could have said to make sure the bochur goes to mikva every day, or even to check his tefillin, but to get from that to questioning his yichus!!! (And, bichlal, how do I 'check out' the yichus, of a regular Lubavitcher bochur?!).
It turned out that the mother of this bochur was a גיורת, and she converted after he was born (as the halocho is - גר קטן מטבילין אותו על דעת בית דין). The halocho is that when he turned bar mitzvah, they were supposed to ask him if he wants the geirus in order for it to be valid (as we just learned in rambam). However, that had never taken place, so the conversion was still "hanging". I saw how an eltere chosid uses more than logic to respond, and is מכוון אל האמת.
The lesson is, that if we want to understand and appreciate G-dliness, Rebbe, and chassidishe ideas, it is dependent not (only) on your mental abilities and grasp, but - mainly - on your eidelkeit and clear lines between your neshomo and the Eibishter, which happens through mikva, davening, hidur in mitzvos, kabolas ol etc. יהי זכרו ברוך