
Stories & Memories of Reb Menachem Mendel Hacohen Aronow

By: Rabbi Akiva Wagner June 16

Saved by the Teffilin

Reb Mendel Aronow once related When I was a bochur, they once pulled me off the street, and brought me on a train (truck?). They were pulling young people, drafting them, to help out in various ways with the war effort. I was on a train with a bunch of young people, שקצים and שקצות, and the only thing on my mind was that I didn't have my tefillin with me (because I was pulled off the street) and how will I manage without tefillin. At the first opportunity I jumped off the moving vehicle (I didn't pay attention to the danger, neither the danger of jumping from a moving vehicle, not the consequence/punishment I might face for escaping, I only knew that I couldn't go without my tefillin). Boruch Hashem I got home safely. But none of the young teenagers who had been taken with me that day ever returned.

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