My Mashpia
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Aronow was my Mashpia from 1979 to 1989, in fact I bought a house on his street to be close to him. ...
Read StoryRabbi Menachem Mendel Aronow was my Mashpia from 1979 to 1989, in fact I bought a house on his street to be close to him. ...
Read StoryOne Simchas Torah I was dancing with reb Mendel in Lubavitcher yeshiva in Toronto, when he turned to me and said ‘’ Mit Shich ‘’ which means ‘’With Shoes’’. I did not understand what he meant and asked him. He said he remembers...
Read StoryThere was a bochur in yeshiva, many years ago, a very good bochur with a very good head, but he had many questions. The questions were in hashkofo issues, not questions that a "regular" bochur has, and he was very bothered by them, they disturbed him...
Read StoryI merited to learn in Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto for four years. I was there for two years (5758-5759) as a Talmid and two years ( 5762-5763) as a Shliach. From the very beginning of my time there, Rabbi Akiva Wagner Shlit"a (may he have a complete...
Read StoryI was once sitting after davening by the table of Farbrengen and was hungry. I waited for the plate of cake to be brought out and quickly stretched out my hand to take from the few pieces there. Suddenly, I felt a slap on my wrist and a big voice...
Read StoryOne Purim night, we were Farbrenging with Rabbi Wagner in the big Zal, and Reb Mendel came in. We asked him to say something and he said that later on in the Farbrengen, he will reveal a big secret that was taught in Tomchei Temimim in Lubavitch. We...
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