She Taught Us More...
She was a special lady... ...
Read Storyוען מיר זיינען ארויס פון רוסלאנד בין איך יעמאלט געווען א קליין מיידל, איין טאג האט מיין טאטע מיר געזאגט אז מיר פארן באזוכן א מומע, מיר האבן...
Read StoryBubby was a very sensitive person and took everything very much to heart. We all know when there were tragedies reported in the newspaper she would cry about them and talk about them over and over. On the positive side though, when she heard about...
Read StoryI have very fond memories of Tanteh Luleh. She had an open home and lived having guest. ...
Read StoryRebbetzin Golda Aronow was a very warm, caring, sincere, and emotional person that took an interest in the welfare of her family, friends, and community. Her strong emunah and bitochon helped her navigate through her life challenges. Her home was...
Read StoryI remember the last time I was at the aronow’s house sitting in the kitchen and talking to Rebbetzin Aronow. ASuch a sweet lady. You could tell she was a hartzige woman from the Alte heim. Even though I was so young (I still am) she asked questions...
Read StoryI'll start with an anecdote I heard from Bubby about herself: ...
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